(Carol) Unit 57 - Task 1

Photoshop Experiments

Original Shot

This is my original photo that I started with, I chose a photo I took using low key lighting.


To change the exposure of the image I clicked "image" in the toolbar, then highlighted "adjustments" and selected "Exposure", it then opened a tab with three sliders on it… My intention was to brighten the dark image so some of the facial features were more impacting.

The three sliders labelled "Exposure", "Offset" and "Gamma Correction" appeared. I then proceeded to experiment with the sliders in order to improve the overall look of my picture. As I had already used low key lighting to achieve certain exposure on the photo already, I only increased the exposure and gamma correction slightly.

After Exposure


For my first colour example I wanted to increase the red filter so the jacket will become more immediate and apparent.
I increased the red/cyan slider to +25. Doing so also created a warm red glow across the face instead of it being a pale white.

After Colour

I also increased the"shadows" by 15% in order to lighten the area of the whole photo in a natural looking way.

Colour Example 2 (Sunny Mood Filter)

In order to create a sunny/warm mood within my picture I first slightly increased the brightness by 5, I then proceeded to decrease the contrast by -45. This was done so I could clearly imitate the bright suns glare.

Leading to me then being able to create the strong yellow accent of the suns warmth, in which to create this I dragged the "yellow/blue" slider towards yellow unto -38 to create the illusion of the sun.

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